S4H is recruiting a Master Student for the control of the shaking table

S4H is recruiting a Master Student for the control of the shaking table

The Historical and Masonry Structures (HMS) group of the Institute of Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE), University of Minho (Portugal), plans to open a new research position for Bachelor holders within the STAND4HERITAGE (S4H) project. The work will also be co-supervised by the Steel and Mixed Construction Technologies (SMCT) group from the University of Coimbra.

S4H aims to produce an extensive experimental dataset of masonry structures subjected to earthquake ground motions through a new one-dimensional shaking table. The position will focus on the implementation of state-of-the-art control algorithms on a numerical model of shaking tables. It represents an essential challenge for S4H since the accurate reproduction of targeted earthquake signals enables studying the influence of each seismic characteristic.

Potential candidates must have a BSc in electronic, mechatronics, mechanical engineering or equivalent with a solid background in control theories. They should be currently registered in a Master program. Familiarities with software dedicated to the block representation of control theories (e.g., Simulink, LabVIEW) are substantial assets. Additional knowledge of structural and seismic engineering is also appreciated.

Interested candidates must send their résumé, motivation letter, and a copy of their bachelor’s certificate to Dr Nathanaël Savalle ( before December the 31th, 5 pm (Lisbon time). The obtained grades should be higher than 14/20. All documents must be written in English. More details about the tasks can be found in the file attached.

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