Almost one year after the beginning of the ERC granted project and these strange Covid-19 times, the whole international team has finally met in a non-virtual meeting on Wednesday the 22th. With the re-opening of European borders and flights to Portugal, the last team members (Carla from Italy and Nathanaël from France) reached Guimarães and University of Minho in the beginning of July.
This, obviously masked, meeting has enabled to introduce all team members each to another as well as presenting the main aim of each one’s work:
Georgios (from Greece) works on numerical methods as a PhD candidate.
Anjali (from India) works on numerical and analytical methods as a post-doc.
Anastasios (from Greece) works on numerical and analytical methods as a post-doc as well.
Carla (from Italy) works on the experimental campaign as a PhD candidate.
Luciano (from Portugal) works on the experimental tools as an engineeer.
Nathanaël (from France) works on the experimental campaign as a post-doc.
The meeting has enabled to present the work done during the last three months. The focus was on the understanding of the best numerical approaches to model masonry structures for the numerical part and on the choice and development of an accurate shaking-table controller for the experimental part.
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