First publication fully available until October the 6th

First publication fully available until October the 6th

50’s day free access link for the publication “Learning from failure: Damage and failure of masonry structures, after the 2017 Lesvos earthquake (Greece)

The scientific world is facing a new challenge as far as the dissemination of research results is concerned. Embargo periods for published articles in major journal papers are increasing from day to day, making the share (following legal ways) of research much more complicated. Being a way for publishers to attract readers and universities to buy full access of their journal, it may lead to a smaller number of papers published in such journals with high embargo periods.

The whole scientific community is hoping that some agreement between all the stakeholders of the field (Publishers, European Union, Researchers, ResearchGate, …) will be found rapidly.

In this context, free full access periods are fully welcomed, as it is usually done just after publication. Therefore, you will find the full version of the first publication of the S4H project (see here) on the publisher’s webpage: please click here. Please also note that this link is available only until October the 6th.

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