NEW JOURNAL PUBLICATION: Generative modelling of Monopteros and Tholos temples using existing data: The case study of Vesta temple in Tivoli

NEW JOURNAL PUBLICATION: Generative modelling of Monopteros and Tholos temples using existing data: The case study of Vesta temple in Tivoli

The S4H team recently published a paper authored by Dr. Shaghayegh Karimzadeh and Prof. Paulo B. Lourenço, in collaboration with Annalaura Vuoto from the University of Minho and Dr. Marco Francesco Funari from the University of Surrey. This study presents a generative programming framework capable of producing 3D geometric models from historical records, eliminating the need for precise 3D digital surveying techniques. As a case study, the framework was applied to generate a geometric model of the Temple of Vesta in Tivoli, which was then analysed through nonlinear dynamic simulations using a concurrent continuous/block-based approach within a Finite Element environment under various earthquake scenarios. The numerical results highlight how local failure mechanisms in the columns and entablature influence the structural safety of the temple.

The full paper can be accessed at Link.

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